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Economy, Jobs, and Workforce Development

Fostering a successful Ohio job market is my top priority in Congress. Ensuring a healthy, prosperous job market translates into opportunities for Ohioans.

The number one issue I hear from business owners is their need for more skilled workers. One of my driving passions has always been workforce development, and that’s why I’m proud to be the Ranking Member of the Innovation and Workforce Development Subcommittee of the House Small Business Committee. We need to find solutions that support our workforce and businesses alike so that today’s students are better prepared to enter tomorrow’s job market. Let’s think outside the textbook and get potential employees the skills development and training they need to secure meaningful jobs, and let’s help those employers maximize their efficiency by filling vacant roles.

In Ohio, nearly 97% of all businesses are considered small businesses. These companies employ nearly 2.2 million Ohioans, almost half of our state. Annually, Ohio’s small businesses produce $10 billion in revenue, yet often face struggles we may not always realize. As a former small business employee, I understand the challenges and setbacks that our nation’s small businesses face. These issues include lack of capital – whether human or financial – burdensome taxes, outdated technology and inadequate cybersecurity infrastructure, and lack of access to the types of resources larger firms and companies have. I want to ensure that all of Ohio’s businesses, no matter the size, can thrive in the local, national, and global marketplaces.

To work toward a fully-developed economy and job market, we need creative approaches to partnerships and resources. We need to cut red tape that bogs down the system and stalls small businesses’ progress, and we need to lift up those that drive our economy forward. I’m working to ensure we aren’t sticking to the status quo. The necessary changes to support jobs and job creators can start in Ohio and be reinforced with innovative policy initiatives.


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