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Troy in the News

Troy Balderson: Biden’s rush-to-green agenda pushing nation's electrical grid to the brink.

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U.S. Rep. Troy Balderson has served Ohio’s 12th Congressional District since 2018. The Republican’s district includes all of Licking, Knox, Fairfield, Athens, Morgan, Coshocton, Guernsey, Muskingum and Perry counties, plus portions of Delaware, Holmes, and Tuscarawas counties. He is a Member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. When the American people reach for…

Balderson's Bill to Modernize Federal Spectrum Coordination Receives Subcommittee Approval

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The House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology advanced legislation today, led by Congressman Troy Balderson, to modernize federal spectrum coordination. Wireless spectrum is a limited resource upon which virtually every American relies for modern wireless communications. These services include mobile phones, radio and television, satellites, and…

Balderson Issues Statement on Passage of $1.8 Trillion Omnibus Spending Package

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WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Congressman Troy Balderson (OH-12) today issued the following statement in response to the House passage of Democrats' last-ditch $1.8 trillion omnibus spending package: "With only days remaining in the 117th Congress, the Democrats are engaged in a last-ditch spendthrift chock-full of policies that are out-of-touch with the priorities of everyday…

Balderson to Biden: 'The U.S. Needs a Serious Plan for Restoring Energy Independence, Lowering Prices'

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Congressman Troy Balderson (OH-12) today issued the following statement in response to the Administration's release of a so-called "plan" that leaves open the prospect of no new oil and gas leasing for the next five years: "This move only serves to further destabilize the market and deter long-term investment. It is an insult to hardworking Americans already struggling to heat their…

Rail Employee Training Modernization Act Debuts

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Rep. Troy Balderson (R-Ohio-12) on July 29 introduced the Rail Employee Training Modernization Act, which would allow railroads to utilize virtual instruction modules to speed the process of moving new hires through training into the field.  The new legislation is “aimed at eliminating cumbersome red tape by allowing aspiring freight rail employees to complete…

Post Office Could Soon Bear the Name of Medal of Honor Recipient

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – The post office in the hometown of a local war hero may soon get a name change to honor the man. Tuesday, U.S. Representative from Ohio Troy Balderson delivered remarks on the House Floor in support of H.R. 4622 to dedicate and rename the Roseville Post Office at 226 North Main Street in honor of Korean War hero, the late Army Sergeant First…

Is natural gas a clean energy source? This Ohio Congressman thinks so.

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There is no doubt that natural gas transformed the U.S. energy landscape in the last decade. Production hit a record high again last year. Natural gas replaced coal as the top source of energy for electricity generation. All the while, the industry decreased its greenhouse gas emissions by 12% compared with 1990 levels. Does that make it a clean energy source?…

Ohio Congressman Calls Natural Gas a Solution to Energy Crisis

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Fighting the narrative that natural gas is part of the problem, U.S. Rep. Troy Balderson (R-OH) last week introduced a resolution calling for the recognition of domestic natural gas as a green and clean energy source. “It’s green. It’s clean. And it’s abundant right under our feet, right here in Ohio,”  Balderson said. Balderson, speaking at a Licking County, OH, wellsite…

Balderson pushing to designate natural gas a green, clean energy

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As energy costs are rising, natural gas could help lower costs, according to Licking County's congressman. Rep. Troy Balderson, R-Zanesville, announced at a Pataskala oil and gas well site Wednesday that he had introduced a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives to designate natural gas as a green and clean energy source. "It is green. It is…

Rep. Troy Balderson announces House resolution embracing natural gas as green and clean energy

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PATASKALA, Ohio – U.S. Rep. Troy Balderson joined Ohio energy advocates June 1 at an oil and gas well site in Licking County, Ohio to announce a resolution he introduced this week in the House of Representatives officially recognizing American natural gas as a "green and clean" energy source. Rep. Balderson's resolution recognizes American natural gas as an affordable, green energy…

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