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Balderson: Let’s Give Ohio Seniors Their Independence Back

GRANVILLE – Congressman Troy Balderson (R-OH) today held a press conference with families of residents at Middleton Senior Living in Granville, along with Executive Director Debbie Hartshorn and Kathryn Brod of LeadingAge Ohio, urging federal agencies and Governor Mike DeWine’s administration to reevaluate visitation restrictions for residents of long-term care facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Safeguards are one thing, but these ongoing restrictions are simply unnecessary and unfair,” said Balderson. “Just ask the residents here [at Middleton Senior Living]. Some of them are part of our nation’s Greatest Generation… Let’s work to give them their independence back.”

Hartshorn announced that as of this past Saturday, of Middleton’s more than 200 residents, 98% had received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Still, visits to residents of the senior living facility are limited by the state to no more than 30 minutes and only in dedicated areas.

Balderson, Hartshorn, Brod, and family members of Middleton residents are trying to shed light on seniors experiencing isolation and loneliness as a result of outdated visitation regulations implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier today, Balderson sent a letter to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) along with 10 fellow Ohio lawmakers pushing the agency to revisit the federal regulations, which have not been updated since September 2020. Balderson noted that the state regulates visitation at assisted living facilities, and urged Governor DeWine to review his guidance as well.

Watch the full press conference.

Following this morning’s press conference, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced loosened restrictions for gatherings among small groups.

“You can visit your grandparents if you’ve been vaccinated and they have been, too,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said in a White House briefing Monday. “If grandparents have been vaccinated, they can visit their daughter and her family even if  they have not been vaccinated, so long as the daughter and her family are not at risk for severe disease.”

Balderson is urging Ohio to follow suit with the loosening of these restrictions as the country heads toward heard immunity.


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