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Balderson Op-Ed: Putting Ohio First

The first session of the 116th Congress has been in full-swing since the end of January, and my colleagues and I have been busy at work in committee hearings, at bill markups, and of course, voting on important issues that impact Ohioans. In my first full term as the Representative for Ohio’s 12th District, I’m eager to include central Ohio’s priorities in Congress’ work this year.

In just a few short months, I’ve had the pleasure of hearing from thousands of my constituents from across the district — in office visits, letters, emails, phone calls, and even impromptu meetings. Those who I’ve spoken with have given me invaluable insight into the issues facing Ohioans every day, allowing me the opportunity to hear different points of view, and helping me more effectively represent my constituents.

Recently, I sent out a survey asking central Ohioans what issues are most important to you and your families. One of the top responses I received was a focus on the American economy, jobs, small businesses, and workforce development. As the Ranking Member of the House Small Business Committee’s Subcommittee on Innovation and Workforce Development, it’s my job to help shape Congress’ efforts to support small businesses and their need for more skilled workers.

Public-private partnerships can be effective in driving change among industries, particularly in ways that are not burdensome on taxpayers. Creating a skilled workforce of tomorrow—which our country needs to remain a global leader in innovation—begins with uplifting our students of today. I’m interested in learning more about ways our country can localize these efforts and identify factors that are unique to specific regions and industries.

What’s best for students and businesses in Dublin or Newark is not the same as what’s best for those focused on the technology industry in Silicon Valley, California, or those preparing to go into the financial industry in New York City. We have an opportunity to be innovative in our approach to both education and small business solutions, and I plan to be a leader in these efforts.

Transportation and infrastructure initiatives are also key priorities for central Ohio, which is home to projects like Smart Columbus. As a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I have a seat at the table as we prepare to tackle a surface transportation reauthorization bill that provides important funding to repair our roads, highways, and bridges. This year, our committee must also pass a reauthorization of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration’s (PHMSA) pipeline safety program, which puts standard safety procedures in place to protect pipeline workers and our environment. The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee is regarded for its ability to pass key legislation with overwhelming bipartisan support, and with the president’s emphasis on our committee’s priorities in last month’s State of the Union address, I’m hopeful my colleagues and I can work together to pass a major infrastructure package this year.


There’s so much more that can be done. My work in the U.S. House of Representatives is just getting started. Truly, I cannot do my job effectively without your input. I hope I continue to hear from my constituents so we can work together to put Ohio’s priorities first.

Rep. Troy Balderson, R-Zanesville, represents Ohio's 12th Congressional District.

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