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Balderson Announces COVID-19 Grant to Muskingum Valley Health Centers

WASHINGTON – Congressman Troy Balderson (R-OH) today announced that a crucial community health center fighting on Ohio’s frontlines against the COVID-19 pandemic secured federal grant funding of more than $70,000 to help combat the virus’ spread.

“We can’t fight a public health emergency of this caliber without patient-centered community care providers and ample resources,” said Balderson. “This funding will go far in treating Muskingum County residents and slowing the spread of coronavirus, which will protect our entire community.

With seven locations in and around the Zanesville area, Muskingum Valley Health Centers (MVHC) play an important role in caring for the community’s most vulnerable residents. Nurses, doctors, care providers, and staff are working day-in and day-out to treat patients and provide a critical access point to care during a time of strain on the nation’s health care infrastructure. As COVID-19 spreads, MVHC has made rapid operational changes to maintain primary care for the communities through the use of telehealth, ensuring patients receive care while minimizing exposure to the virus.

“Muskingum Valley Health Centers was pleased to be notified by HRSA of grant award for $73,411 received as a result of the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act,” said Muskingum Valley Health Centers CEO Daniel Atkinson. “This important funding comes at a pivotal time for our organization. We greatly appreciate Congressman Balderson’s support of the bill to ensure key supplemental funding was secured for community health centers. MVHC will utilize these dollars to help maintain primary care to our patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The $73,411 grant—administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services—is made possible by the FY 2020 Coronavirus Supplemental Funding for Health Centers, which Balderson supported.


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