Balderson Calls on Federal Telecommunications Agency to Extend Period for Public to Challenge Local Broadband MapsDeadline for public input closes at MIDNIGHT tonight.
Washington, D.C.,
January 13, 2023
WASHINGTON, DC — Congressman Balderson (OH-12) this week joined 25 House colleagues in a letter sent to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) urging the agency to extend the period for individuals and organizations to submit challenges to the FCC’s broadband maps.
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WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representatives Troy Balderson (OH-12) and Tim Walberg (MI-5) introduced a resolution congratulating the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) on their 10...
This article was originally published in Politico Pro. By Catherine Morehouse House Republicans lambasted FERC's sweeping transmission rule, drawing a sharp defense of the rule by ...
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