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Balderson: Shutdowns Are Unacceptable, Solutions Aren’t About Political Parties

COLUMBUS – Over the weekend, Congressman Troy Balderson (R-OH) penned his first opinion editorial as the elected representative of Ohio’s Twelfth District. The op-ed highlights his new legislation, the End Government Shutdowns Act (H.R. 791), which would prevent shutdowns from occurring, both allotting necessary time to reach bipartisan solutions while protecting federal services and incentivizing Congress to do its job. The End Government Shutdowns Act is the House companion to Senator Rob Portman’s (R-OH) identical legislation and currently has nine cosponsors, including members of both parties.

An excerpt of the op-ed can be found below, and the full op-ed can be found here.

Finding a bipartisan solution to end shutdowns forever

By Congressman Troy Balderson

Newark Advocate

February 3, 2019

When government agencies cease operations during a shutdown, real Americans pay the consequences. Plainly and simply, this is unfair. From the wreckage this shutdown caused, it’s clear there is a demand — now, perhaps, more than ever — for true bipartisanship among our nation’s leaders. As elected officials, it is our duty to come together to find solutions to the most challenging problems our nation faces. Unquestionably, this includes action to prevent another shutdown like the one we just experienced from ever occurring again.

I didn’t go to Washington to vote on meaningless, feel-good resolutions that ultimately accomplish nothing. To the contrary, I went to Washington to work hard and get results for my fellow Ohioans. That’s why I’m proud to have introduced the End Government Shutdowns Act as my first bill in the U.S. House of Representatives…


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