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Balderson tapped for Agriculture Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ohio Congressman Troy Balderson (R-12th) has been tapped to serve on the House Committee on Agriculture.

“Agriculture issues affect everyone and have a profound impact in Ohio’s Twelfth Congressional District, where the agriculture sector creates thousands of jobs,” said Balderson. “These issues are not isolated to America’s farms and ranches.

The House Committee on Agriculture oversees legislative priorities related to the farm economy, rural broadband internet access and expansion, land conservation, food transparency, innovation in agriculture, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and more.

Balderson’s passion for agriculture stems from his childhood, when he worked on his family’s farm, growing corn and soybeans and raising cattle. He participated in the Muskingum County 4-H Club and continues to support 4-H.

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