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Congressman Balderson Applauds House Passage of Farm Bill Conference Report

Congressman Troy Balderson (OH-12) today announced the House passage of the 2018 Farm Bill Conference Report, which includes key wins for Ohio’s farmers, rural communities and consumers. The final report reflects months of negotiations aimed at reconciling both the House and Senate versions of the bill and now proceeds to the President for his signature.
Congressman Troy Balderson (OH-12) today announced the House passage of the 2018 Farm Bill Conference Report, which includes key wins for Ohio’s farmers, rural communities and consumers. The final report reflects months of negotiations aimed at reconciling both the House and Senate versions of the bill and now proceeds to the President for his signature.

"The Farm Bill strengthens certainty and flexibility for Ohio’s farm families while making forward-looking investments in economic development and job creation in Ohio’s rural communities," said Congressman Balderson.

America’s farmers have seen a nearly 50 percent drop in net farm income over the past five years. This bill provides much needed certainty to our farmers by strengthening important programs such as the Price Loss Coverage (PLC), Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC), Livestock Disaster Programs, Dairy Margin Coverage and Crop Insurance. Additionally, the Farm Bill improves efforts to expand quality broadband access to rural America and improves the USDA’s ability to fight against the opioid crisis.

What They’re Saying:

"Recognizing the importance of food security and the need for some certainty and predictability for our farmers in these uncertain times, passage of a farm bill was of utmost importance. We applaud Congressman Balderson's support for farmers across Ohio and our nation."

Frank Burkett, President of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation

“Passage of the Farm Bill is welcome news for Ohio’s soybean farmers. It will provide the risk management tools farmers need over the next five years, and the full funding provided to the Foreign Market Development program as well as the Market Access Program will be key to helping Ohio’s soybean farmers grow and expand to new markets.”

Kirk Merritt, Executive Director of the Ohio Soybean Association

“The Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association applauds members of the House for expediting the passage of the Farm Bill. The Farm Bill will restore and ensure that Ohio grain farmers will have the proper protection from mother nature and from volatile global markets as they plan for the 2019 crop and beyond. We especially want to thank Congressman Balderson for the work he has put into learning and understanding the needs of farmers in the 12th Congressional District.”

Tadd Nicholson, Executive Director of the Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Association

“Final passage of the Farm Bill is welcome news to Ohio’s beef farm families. The Ohio Cattlemen’s Association appreciates the funding certainty the bill provides for conservation programs to assist cattlemen in even better nutrient management efforts. We are also pleased that the bill authorizes a new Foot-and-Mouth Disease Vaccine (FMD) bank to provide the critical protection needed for our rural economies.”

Elizabeth Harsh, Executive Director of the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association

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